Monday, February 12, 2007

Каждый раз когда я начинаюсь чувствовать себя плохо эдесь, что-то случилось что-бы я чуствовал себя лучше...

This was to be posted Saturday.

Despite the fact I had made plans to go to a museum today with a girl from the Roman History course I woke up feeling completely unmotivated and having very little energy to go знакомится (get to know, make friends with) people. So I sat in bed for awhile debating what to do and finally convinced myself that even if I didn’t think I would have that good of a time I may meet someone (she was inviting other people) who I end up becoming good friends with.

And that’s exactly what happened. The two guys joining us were named Alex and Olyeg, two of the nicest people I’ve met here (that’s actually tough to say, I’ve met a lot of wonderful people here already). Anyways, we all went to the museum, had a great time, and it turns out that both Alex and Olyeg are going to be in America this summer in order to improve their English. In order to receive their Visa they are required to give short, concise, well worded, descriptions in English of what they hope to achieve in the US, what they will be doing there, their philosophy of life, etc. to the consulate, I believe. Its insane compared with what I had to do to get my Visa, in fact, I didn’t even have to write or speak a word of Russian, everything was done through professors’ recommendations and forms filled out in my native language.

Anyways I promised to help them with their English (they are already quite good) and if all goes well I should be able to meet up with them some time this summer. After seeing the museum we all went to МакМастер (MacMaster – a rip off of McDonald’s) where we talked about various things and, after discussing differences in holidays between our countries, Аля (the girl from the Roman history class) decided she wanted to celebrate Valentine’s day as they don’t have it in Russia. Therefore all of us are going to get together this Wednesday and celebrate an Amercian Holiday in Russian. I am incredibly psyched.

Afterwards I went to the Имка (Russian YMCA equivalent) again. I’m so glad I decided to do this. I love the people there, I love the kids, and its incredibly fun. I could say a whole lot more about it and I probably should but I really want to wrap this up.

After that I went to an Organ Concert which was incredible and, after looking out on the Volga River at night, walking around, and taking the trolleybus back, I am sitting at home and getting ready to go to bed.

Its difficult to write about everything that happens because I am not a fan of constant cataloguing of events, but its occurred to me that I still have yet to describe the city in any detail as well as various other things I’m sure people are interested in. Therefore, if there is anything you would like to hear more (or less) about, or just have any questions in general be sure to comment and I will be happy to try and answer them.

I hope everyone is doing incredible and enjoying whatever occupies them currently,

До встреча


Edit: Sunday I visited a monastery in an incredibly beautiful part of Yaroslavl and I recently posted new pictures of our trip there.
The first is the room where I am currently living
The next few until Lenin's statue are from the region of Yaroslavl where I live
and eveyrthing else is from the region where the monastery was.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I enjoy reading day to day things. Keep writing!


P.S. You're missing a sweet snowstorm.